Pershyy Krok
Radist' Ensemble
Krasa Adult Ensemble
Spadok Performing Ensemble
** Beige dance tights are required
for ALL stage performances**
You can view a video on "How to Make a Ballet Bun", here.
All Boys and Men:
Ballet Slippers & Jazz Shoes, for boys & girls, can be purchased at Harlequin Dance Store or Dance Plus
Pershyy Krok, Koneky, Sonechky, Leleky, Maky, Sokoly, Soloveyky, Kvitky & Kalyna (Boys & Girls) – Black Leather Ballet Slippers with Black Elastics.
Druzi Girls - Beige Jazz Shoes & Red Ballet Character shoes (to be ordered through the school).
Druzi Boys - Black Jazz Shoes
Radist' Ensemble Girls – Beige Jazz Shoes and Red Ballet-Style character shoes (with elastics sewn on).
Radist' Ensembles Boys – Black Jazz Shoes.
Krasa Adult Ensemble Ladies – Ballet Slippers, Red Boots (to be ordered through the school, if you don’t already have).
Krasa Adult Ensemble Men – Black Jazz Shoes, Red Boots (to be ordered through the school, if you don’t already have).
Spadok Performing Ensemble Ladies – Beige Jazz or Pedini Shoes; Red Boots and Black Boots (to be ordered through the school).
Spadok Performing Ensemble Men – Black Jazz Shoes, Red Boots (to be ordered through the school).
Sopilka is pleased to partner with Postmark Ukraine for dancers to purchase Ukrainian red & black character and red & black Ukrainian boots. The shoes and boots will be fitted and ordered through the school.